We have many examples of vertebrates and invertebrates ones:
- Mammals such as dolphins
- Reptiles such as turtles
- Molluscs such as octopus
- Crustaceans such as prawns
- Echinoderms such as starfish
- Cnidaria such as jellyfish
1.- Is Coral a plant, an algae or an animal?
2.- Is a Seaweed a plant?
3.- Do starfish belong to fish group of animals?
4.- Is a Portuguese Man of War a jellyfish?
5.- Is a jellyfish a fish?
6.- What type of living being is a seahorse?
anchovy | anchoa |
atherine | pejerrey |
bass blow fish blue tang |
róbalo pez globo pez cirujano azul |
carp | carpa |
catfish clown fish |
bagre pez payaso |
cod | bacalao |
conger | congrio |
corbina | corvina |
dogfish | cazón |
eel | anguila |
haddock | abadejo eglefino |
hake halibut |
merluza halibut |
herring | arenque |
jellyfish | medusa |
large catfish | surubí |
mackerel | caballa |
mullet napoleon fish |
mújol pez napoleón |
pike piranha |
lucio piraña |
plaice | platija |
ray | raya |
red mullet | salmonete |
salmon | salmón |
sardine | sardina |
shark | tiburón |
skate | raya |
starfish | estrella de mar |
sole | lenguado |
trout | trucha |
tuna | atún |
whiting | pescadilla |
crab | cangrejo |
crayfish | cangrejo de río |
lobster | langosta |
prawn | langostino |
camarón, gamba
clam cockle |
almeja berberecho |
mussel | mejillón |
octopus | pulpo |
oyster scallops |
ostra vieiras |
squid | calamar |
whelk | buccino |
winkle |
bígaro |
Jellyfish Starfish (Sea star)
Anemone Sea Urchins
Coral Sand Dollars
Hydra Sea Cucumber
Portuguese Man of War Ophiura