In a fraction, the denominator tells us how many parts the whole is divided into, and the numerator tells us how many of those parts we're dealing with.
We can read this fraction as four-fifths, four over five, or four divided by five.
The number above the bar is called the numerator, and the number below the bar is called the denominator.
Improper fraction: numerator is greater than or equal to denominator. (Ex. 3/2, 8/5)
Equivalent fractions: fractions that represent the same number. (Ex. 1/3=2/6=3/9)
Reciprocal: the multiplicative inverse of a number. For a fraction, it's obtained by "turning the fraction over". (Ex. 3/7 and 7/3)
Reciprocal: the multiplicative inverse of a number. For a fraction, it's obtained by "turning the fraction over". (Ex. 3/7 and 7/3)
1/2 a half
1/2 a half
11/16 eleven sixteenth
1/3 a/one third
4 2/5 four and two fifths
1/4 a/one quarter
1/16 a/one sixteenth
236/407 two hundred thirty six over four hundred and seven
0.3 nought point three
0.527 nought point three seven five
8.9 eight point nine
1.5 one and a half
2.5 two and a half