Train your musical ear with this wonderful game! This whole-class activity will test your ability to pick out a note from a sequence.
Listen carefully! In this activity you must arrange the blobs according to their pitch.
This giant metronome will help keep your students in time. Set up your tempo and select which beats you want to accent. You can even choose whether you want a mechanical or digital metronome. Probably the best metronome on the web!
Use your knowledge of the musical terms for tempo to gently land your spaceship on the pads in the correct order.
A compendium of games and activities to ensure you know the key-terms and their definitions: jigsaw puzzle, cloud-click quiz, hangman, anagrams and our ever popular froggy-spelling challenge.
Match the note symbol to its name. This game requires a good memory as well as knowledge of this subject area.
In this game you must match the note symbol to the number of crotchet beats.
Match the rest symbol to the note name with the same duration. This game requires a good memory as well as knowledge of this subject area.
Click on the rhythm pattern that matches the beat you hear! (includes worksheet)
Listen to the beat and then click on the rhythm pattern that matches what you hear! (includes worksheet)
Things are starting to get tricky now so listen carefully and then click on the rhythm pattern that matches what you hear! (includes worksheet)
In this activity you must identify the correct time signature by looking at the sample of sheet music.
This interactive diagram shows the relationships between the major and minor keys and their key signatures.
In this activity you must drag sharps or flats into the correct position on the staff to make the key signature for the given key.
Complete the table by dragging the technical names for the notes of the scale to the correct position.
In this innovative application you learn about the scales by first building them and then listening to them. Major, minor, pentatonic, blues, whole-tone and chromatic scales are covered. If you're feeling creative you can design and listen to your very own scale.
Learn how scales transpose with this novel application. Pick a musical scale and change the tonic note to see which notes you should be using on our giant playable piano.
Get to grips with the range of the human voice and hear what a bass, tenor, contralto, soprano and treble singer sounds like.
Strings, woodwind, brass or percussion? Guide the falling instrument into the flowerpot of the correct instrument family!
A quiz game where you must identify the musical instrument from a sequence of extreme close-up photographs.
A quiz game where you must identify the musical instrument from a sequence of extreme close-up photographs.
In this activity you need to identify the musical instrument. Then, as if that wasn't enough, you've got to work out where in the world it originated from!
In these games you must listen to a musical extract and match it up with the correct title of the piece, the composer's name, the composer's portrait and when the composer lived.
When you hear a piece of classical music do you know what it's called and who composed it? Here's your chance to find out!
How well do you know your composers? Here's a game that tests your knowledge of famous composers and their music.
This giant metronome will help keep your students in time. Set up your tempo and select which beats you want to accent. You can even choose whether you want a mechanical or digital metronome. Probably the best metronome on the web!
This interactive diagram shows the relationships between the major and minor keys and their key signatures.
If you're playing a game or a quiz and you need to keep score for several teams then this is the tool for you. Choose between a number of themes: 'Alien abduction', 'In your face' and 'Snail race'.
A new improved timer that now includes a countdown timer as well as a standard timer. Some of the alarm sounds are not for those of sensitive disposition. The time is given in Hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of a second. Handy for timed tests, exams and activities.
A digital assistant that keeps an eye on your class on those rare occasions when you have to pop out.