Principal Translations
musical adj | (of music) | musical adj |
musical n |
(genre of film or show) |
representación musical loc nom f |
musical nf |
Compound Forms: | ||
musical box, US:
music box n |
UK (box that plays mechanical music ) |
cajita de música nf |
When you open the lid of the musical box the music will start to play and the tiny model of a ballerina will spin round. | ||
Aún tengo mi cajita de música, si la abres suena el lago de los cisnes.
musical comedy n | (humorous play with singing and dancing) | comedia musical nf |
Creo que la comedia musical que más me ha gustado fue Víctor o Victoria.. | ||
musical composition n | (piece of music as written) | composición musical nf |
Durante la clase analizamos una composición musical del siglo XVII, pero no recuerdo el nombre del autor. | ||
musical dictation | dictado musical loc nom m | |
musical dynamics n | (volume of a piece of music) intensidad | matiz dinámico nm |
El matiz dinámico se indica con abreviaturas: (pp) pianissimo, (f) forte. | ||
musical ear | oído musical nm | |
musical instrument n | (device designed for making music) | instrumento musical nm |
Children should be encouraged to learn to play at least one musical instrument. | ||
Mis hijas tocan varios instrumentos musicales. | ||
musical meter n | (rhythm pattern) | métrica musical nf |
patrón rítmico nm | ||
Se caracteriza por un patrón rítmico sincopado. | ||
musical note | pentagrama nm | |
musical performance | interpretación musical nf | |
musical piece | pieza musical nf | |
musical program | US | programa musical loc nom m |
musical quality | calidad musical nf | |
musical revue | revista musical nf | |
musical scale | escala musical nf | |
musical score n | (sheet music for a play, film, etc.) | partitura nf |
¡En el museo pudimos ver la partitura original de la Sinfonía nº 9 de Beethoven, con sus correcciones y todo! | ||
musical score n | (soundtrack of a play, film, etc.) | banda sonora nf |
musical sense n | (natural aptitude or feeling for music) | oído para la música nm |
Her musical sense was so terrible she couldn't sing even simple children's songs. | ||
Mi cuñada no tiene oído para la música; en vez de cantar parece que ladra. | ||
musical sound | sonido musical nm | |
musical talent n | (natural aptitude for music) | talento para la música nm |
His enthusiasm was crucial to the band's success, despite his lack of musical talent. | ||
Even though he is very enthusiastic, he has no musical talent whatsoever. | ||
Nunca tuve talento para la música. | ||
talento musical nm | ||
Beethoven poseía un talento musical innato. | ||
musical theater | US | teatro musical nf |
Here are some of the basic terms in learning how to read music:
Bar Line- The vertical line that separates notes into groups.
Measure – The distance between two bar lines. Normally 3 to 4 beats long
Treble Clef – This is a S-shaped symbol that appears before the first bar line. It signifies that these notes will be played with the right hand. It is also sometimes called the G clef.
Bass Clef – This is a C-shaped symbol that appears before the first bar line. It indicates that the following notes should be played with the left hand.
Staff – The five lines (ledger) and four spaces that create a line of music and defines the pitch (A,B,C,D,E,F,G). The Staff with the Treble Clef combined with the Bass Clef make what’s called the Grand Staff. (This is typically how sheet music is display for piano music.)
Pitch – The pitch or tone is denoted by the position of the note on the staff lines and spaces:
On Treble Staff:
On Bass Staff: