I've loved being with you sharing this experience. You were training before starting morning classes, later in the playground and finally on Tuesdays with me. You've done a great job training by your own and I know you did your best.
Thank you so much to all of you. I've been very happy sharing those feelings, that motivation among English... It has been really a pleasure.
Let's cross fingers!!
Juan Carlos .- ha estat una experencia inolvidable i encara pensant-ho molt mai m'hauria vist realitzant un càsting per anar a un programa. Això si estava completament nirvios fins que el vaig fer quan el vaig fer es com si hagues fet "plof" i hem desinfles.pero sobretot em vaig diverir molt i a veure si al final hi anam.
Natalia .- I was feeling like that I was going to die and I was shaking when you said to me that I was the first one I forgot everything and I didn't know how to react , I was very nervous , a few beastly nerves, but I hope that they choose me. When they asked me the Maths operations I understand 3x8 not 4x8 ups ups.